Monday, December 30, 2013

How Does a Writer Do It?

Question to a Writer
I have had a lot of people ask what music I listen to while writing, if I even do. Well it depends on the scene I'm working on I guess. Mostly it's EnyaPraga KhanDean Evenson, Kitaro, and Yiruma, which is also my meditation music. I have it on low in volume so it's just background noise. If I'm writing a fight or sex scene it's 2 Live Crew, Nickelback, Rush,  Metallica and some Queen here and there.

I know many of my fellow authors have their favorites as well. I would have to say it all depends on the mood of the author and our own preferences. Some may not even listen to music but their kids as to not find a mess after a session of writing.

Other questions I get:
1.) What do you do when you are struck?
Well, I message my friend and we go over the scene before and what I want to happen after, I as my son if it's a fight scene, or I get on Twitter and talk with other authors.

2.) When do you write the most?
That's a though one. Mainly at night when the kids are sleeping, but then I also write while they are at school if I'm up. I tend to sleep in late (11am) . If I'm in a bipolar manic state I will write 24/7 in between cleaning.

3.) Where do you get the character names?
Everywhere! Though I prefer old Celtic and anglo-saxon the best. I look them up online or Scrivener has a name generator I like.

4.) Where do you get the ideas for books?
That's a though one. Sometimes I have an image come to me when I'm watching tv, reading the news websites or I just think shoot that's the next one. It goes the same for my plots and twists.

5.) Why just paranormal romance genre?
That's the easiest to answer. I love it and it's about the only thing I read. Being only 6 years into my book fetish I can't seem to get into anything else. I'm hoping to branch out in the next year.

6.) Do you only write adult?
No, my first novel written was YA for my daughter who is an advanced reader. I just wanted to be able to add sex scenes if I felt like it. My Ya had to be cut due to one. I have also thought of doing one for pre-teens though I am not sure about what.

7.) How do you come up with places, like where it all takes place?
Interesting indeed. My bestie and I plan out what we are going to do if we win the lottery. Lots of property looking. Since I am working on werewolves it works wonderfully with the large treed land. With looking at homes and land I get the general idea for it. With the current WIP(work in progress) I drew out the house plans one night when I was bored and had writer's-block. Since it's an old house built in the 1800s circa I googled that type of furniture and downloaded the pics I loved. For the names, they just pop out of my head.

8.)Who is your favorite author?
Okay people, a person with a book fetish can't really answer that question. I have so many, but the one I couldn't live without would be four, J.R.WardSherrilyn Kenyon Alexandria Ivy and Laura Wright. Though there are many others I love. Those are the ones I would throw a fit if I couldn't read their books. For the others check out my my Loving and Engaging Authors page.

Well, guys and gals those are the most common questions I get. If you have one not listed ask away.

My your New Year be blessed with good health, love, warmth, family and good friends.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Favorite Author #1

Patricia Briggs is an urban romance/paranormal romance author. She currently has 6 series; The Mercy Thompson Series, Alpha and Omega Series, Raven Duology Series, Hurog Duology Series, The Hob, and Siamin Series. I am partial to The Mercy Thompson series.
Mercy Thompson Series- Mercedes is Volkswagen mechanic living in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. Her Native American heritage has gifted her with the ability to take the form of a coyote at will. She's surrounded by far more powerful supernatural beings, including werewolves, vampires and an assortment of fey.

Patricia Briggs has a new book in The Mercy Thompson Series coming out on March 11th 2014. It is book 8 in the series called Night Broken.

Night Broken 
An unexpected phone call heralds a new challenge for Mercy. Her mate Adam’s ex-wife is in trouble, on the run from a stalker. Adam isn’t the kind of man to turn away a person in need—and Mercy knows it. But with Christy holed up in Adam’s house, Mercy can’t shake the feeling that something about the situation isn’t right.
Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when she learns that Christy has the farthest thing from good intentions. She wants Adam back and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, including turning Adam’s pack against Mercy.

Mercy isn’t about to step down without a fight, but there’s a more dangerous threat circling. Christy’s stalker is more than a bad man—in fact, he may not be human at all. As the bodies start piling up, Mercy must put her personal troubles aside to face a creature with the power to tear her whole world apart.

My Opinion: In the series Mercy, an skinwalker of sorts, deals was raised in a pack of wolves. The pack was ran by the leader of the werewolves and she was an outcast because she wasn't a wolf. On her own she moves but only to have to deal with another pack that arrives after she does. Working for a fae and eventually purchasing the mechanics shop she has adventures with the wolves, fae, ghosts, and vampires. Everyone says she attracts danger and misfortune. Read and fins out if that's really true of if it just seems that way.

Find her books on Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

I will be trying to get in a post of my favorite authors once a week until I get through them all. The list is below.
Alexandra Ivy
Laura Wright
Jasinda Wilder
Tina Folsom
Maya Banks
Selena Blake
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Nicky Charles
and more

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Holiday Upon Us

Tonight is Christmas eve. All is quiet on this home-front. Kids are off at their grandparents' for the week. Yes, I have a mouse stirring in the house though. Santa needs to fly it away when he leaves tonight. Track Santa by way of NORAD with Santa Tracker.

Many know that I am Pagan but for those who are my Christian followers Merry Christmas and may this night bless you with love, joy, happiness and family.

Now is the time to look back over the year and see the accomplishments and/or there lack of. I have progressed in my writing and bonding with my kids more. I wish I could have worked on my diet better but that is for the year to come. Remember, failing only makes us better and gives us strength to move forward in life. Never feel you failed and gained nothing, there is always something gained in everything we do.

I will be hibernating for a few days, do not feel neglected my friends. I will return with an abundance of thoughts, writings, excerpts and a contest.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Release Day!

Today two of my favorite authors, Skye Jordan and Joan Swan, released 'Rebel (Renegades)'. 

A Renegades Novel #2
by Skye Jordan & Joan Swan


Sassy, smart, and sexy, former supermodel-turned-tech guru Rubi Russo has it all—looks, money, confidence and freedom. Her life is a whirlwind of fast cars and fleeting affairs—and she likes it that way. With a past like Rubi’s, forever isn’t part of her vocabulary. So when studly Renegade stuntman Wes Lawson wants to take their friendship to the next level, she’s all out. 

Raised a simple country-boy, Wes knows the brazen Rubi isn’t his type. But after spending time with her, he discovers she’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. To win her wild rebel heart, he’ll have to prove he sees behind her smokescreen to all the goodness she tries to hide. Then it's just a matter of crushing her fears, shattering her barriers, and convincing her that loving him is everything she’s been missing in her life, too.

Piece of cake.

I haven't read it but it is on my list for this week. I have always enjoyed Skye's and Joan's writings and I doubt this one will be no different.

 *If you haven't read 'Reckless'  you should. Here's the links to make it easy for you.
Barnes and Noble

Check them out on twitter
Skye Jordan
Joan Swan

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Long Process

As I sit in front of my computer trying to write, I can't help but think it's not good enough. Nothing seems to flow nor does it seem like a book I would read. Some think that an author just sits down and writes a story without trouble, well NOT! Many of us aspiring authors and even New York Times best sellers have this issue of being stuck.
Once I get started I end up going back and reading through what I have several times. Yep, you guess it; I change a lot. I need to learn to write it then edit it. I doubt that will ever happen which is something slowing me down.
I have however' learned to ask for help when I get stuck. I was hard at first because I didn't want to hear, "What the hell are you thinking? This sucks."  Now I have a few people I trust to tell me the truth and I can listen to their hating on parts of my book.

Things I learned in 2013

1. I can write any time of day, not just in the middle of the night.
2. I can't read when I'm in the process of writing.
3. Editing isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
4. My son can drive just fine and I had no need to worry.
5. I can clean and write in the same day.
6. I love my washer and dryer being in the kitchen. I do loads while typing at the table.
7. Scrivener is something I will never be able to live without.
8. Aeon Timeline is almost as needed as Scrivener.
9. My time management skills improved.
10. I love my son's laptop!

My for 2014!

1. Finish editing novel 1 and self-publish
2. Finish WIP1 and edit
3. Start WIP2
4. Keep house clean while writing...yeah harder than said with 2 teenagers in the house.
5. Save enough for my own laptop for X-mas 2014
6. Do more mommy/kid things with the kiddos

"Dalara was laying on the couch in pain, it had never been this bad before, she thought. Every muscle and joint felt as if they were on fire, she was shaking with the fever and then her thoughts went fuzzy. She could here Sage and Naleena talking but they sounded as if they were far away. Her mind drifted to her dreams of the black wolf. It had haunted her since the first night." from WIP1 "Dalara"!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


As you may know; I am at a loss as to what the title to my Lycan series should be. I am in need of suggestions. Starting January 1st I will start taking suggestions and on the 15th I will put them to a vote. In essence one of you will be naming the series. On the 1st I will post several excerpts and brief descriptions of the main characters. Plus a few things that will go on in the series.

The person who's suggestion is chosen will receive a $10 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

The people who made suggestions will receive a free copy of the 1st e-book published, 'Dalara'.  Hoping by November 2014.

So, start thinking and make sure you follow this blog. That way you will be ready come the 1st of the year.

Back to the 'Writing Cave' for me.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Back To The Beginning

So, after NaNoWriMo I realized that I needed to rewrite the first novel in the series. Basically delete 3/4 of it and make it flow better. That's what I'm doing. It is a long process but I am getting to it little by little. I really hate when my characters decide they aren't going to go along with what I had planned for them.
I have a title for the book but not for the series yet. The first book will be "Dalara". She is the main female character (MFC). She has had loss but yet is strong and independent. A family secret comes to light and she is courageous to embrace it. Along the way she finds love and tragic events.   Learning that she is Coveted by many and feared by most, she must learn not to let it go to her head. In "Dalara" we get a sense of a new world that is hidden to humans, yes Lycans or more like werewolves.

Here are the titles I have so far, though I have no idea what order they will be in.

Any suggestions for a series title is much appreciated. Leave a comment or ask other things in order to get a better idea of what a good title would be. I think I will do a giveaway to the one with the title I choose. Not sure what's gonna be given away yet. Stay tuned to see.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunshine Award!

I have been nominated by an awesome writer and friend, Skye Fairwin, for the Sunshine Award. In order to win I must list 10 facts about myself and nominate fellow bloggers.

Here are the lovely 10 things about me.

I didn't learn to read until I was in 8th grade due to dyslexia that was over-looked all the years before. Finally a new teacher, Ms.Kline figured it out and had me reading in a few months. I started out with John Steinbeck’s ‘The Red Pony’ of all the books. He is still one a my favorite authors.

I love to bake from scratch though I cheat when I have to hurry to get it made.

I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time this year and won. To my amazement of course. I joined the thousands in writing 50k words in 30 days in honor of my mother. She had a book in her hand every second of the day that she wasn't working; in the car at stop lights even.

I started writing for one reason and found many more to continue. My baby girl Lexi was reading at an 8th grade level before 4th grade and had read everything she could that wasn't explicit. I started with one for her, vampires (Vampire Diaries was her favorite) and witches because she had watch Covenant.  Continuing to write gave me an escape from stress and still does which keeps my mental stability in tacked.

I am a single mother of a bipolar teenage boy and a tween girl who’s IQ is higher than all of her classmates (137). Being bipolar and overcoming dyslexia while parenting 2 challenging children has many challenges and many rewards.

I have an associates degree in accounting which I used in the field for 9 months only. Dyslexia never seemed to effect my ability with numbers as it does with words.

There is NO junk food in my house other than granola bars. I refuse to allow it. No candy no caffeine and no chips unless I make it! Well no caffeine for the kiddos.

I learned that reading is a great pastime when my neighbor started me on Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark-Hunter series. I had to buy a nook and I ended up reading all 20 books that were out at the time in weeks… I couldn't get enough of paranormal romance so I continued finding new and amazing authors.

I am OCD about only certain things; the order the dishes are done, the way the towels are folded and I have to scrub the floors on my hands and knees.

I have to have my Mt.Dew before I even think of functioning.

I nominate the following:

You must blog 10 things about yourself and nominate others. I can't wait to see who you all nominate.

*The pictures are not mine. I found them on the internet. If a picture belongs to you and is copyrighted please let me know and I will remove it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

1st Week of December!

As I sit here and wait for the 5th I am thinking back over what I accomplished in November. Though it is the hardest month of  the year for me, I wrote 3/4 of a novel hitting over 50k words. I won NaNoWriMo! I never thought I could do it, but with the support of @TheSprintShack@WriteChain, @FriNightWrites and many others within them, it would take forever to list all that helped and are still helping me. Always pushing me to sprint and get those words out of my head and on the computer screen. You guys *ROCK*.
As I have not completed my NaNo novel, I have begun finishing up the PREQUEL to it.  It is a shorter process after doing 50k+ in 30days. I am so glad I took the challenge and if I hadn't won, it still would have been awesome.

With winning I get to purchase Scrivener from Literature and Latte at 50% off on the 5th. Along with AEON Timeline. Both helped me so much I would never had made it without their NaNo Trials. With Scrivener I had everything from places, character bios, and relationships all in one place. I didn't have to open another program. Aeon Timeline allowed me to track the timing of each event and I never forgot what day it was in my novel.

There are tons of tools for writers and these are the only ones I have tried and I don't think I will try anything else. This is it for me. Each writer has their own way of doing things and Scrivener and Aeon Timeline is what I need.

With all that said I will definitely be participating next year in NaNoWriMo! I only wish I could make a financial donation this year. If you wish to help out the non-profit organization of NaNoWriMo please do so on their website (Link is above). Thanks!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Today marks the halfway point for NaNoWriMo! I am well past halfway through the 50k words. I passed 38k a little bit ago. I can't wait to hit 40k. I'm getting really excited.

A Bit of background on me:
My mom passed away 10 years ago the 28th of this month. Yesterday she would have been 57yrs old. She was my life and the only one who ever supported me throughout my life, no matter what I did wrong or right. I usually have a really rough time but since doing NaNoWriMo this year it seems my ghosts aren't so inclined to haunt me. Yes, I had a crying spell but it was short. I am dedicating my NaNoWriMo piece to my mother. She was an avid reader and I know she would be proud of her dyslexic daughter working hard on a story. I thought of doing one she would love to read, but sci-fi really isn't my cup of tea. So, werewolves it is.

As for my NaNoWIP, well it is going to need a lot of rework once I am done. I have tons of notes about things I want to change. Though, not as many as I thought I would have.
Zared and Tasmina and even Azri are going to surprise readers. Twists and turns of their lives will not be seen until it happens. I'll post a excerpt later this weekend.

Again I need to thank @FriNightWrites (Twitter) for all the help and encouragement you give me. And this week @NaNoWordSprints for the help with MC. Without you he would not feel.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 12

Here it is Day 12 and I am just over halfway to the finish line with 26,866 words done. My novel is taking shape and getting interesting, well more than it has.  Another excerpt for you:

“I know that I also know she has a tough choice to make very soon. Her first heat is upon her.”
“She knows?”
“Yes we have talked about it. Now it is up to her to decide what she will do.” Zared explained hoping it would let Azri know that since he gave up his claim he had no say in what she does.
“I see, and I suppose you offered to help her through it?”
“No, she asked if I would if she chose that route.”
Azri was shocked by the look on his face. “She asked, even after all she’s been through? You know she may never be able to carry.”
Wow, Zared thought. Azri was really trying to keep him from being with Tasmina. “It is her choice and I will accept it no matter if she chooses to be alone or another male. You gave up your claim. She could rightfully be yours if you hadn’t. Now you say things that would have a male rethinking about her request? What the hell gives you the right?”
“ENOUGH!” Someone shouted. Turning they saw it was Eldest. Crap they were in trouble now.
“Yes, it is I. What is going on in here?”
“Azri was trying to keep me from Tasmina.” Zared stated.
“I see, Azri you have no claim. You refused it. Zared has every right to be around the pup.”
“She has asked him to mount her during her first heat.”
“That is her choice, Azri.”
“Yes, of course, Eldest.” Azri stated.

Males are always causing trouble with the order of things, even in real life here in Iowa. 

About Tasmina, she has a horrible past. Not much different than my own. Which is making this novel rough to write. Somethings are just hard to deal with and writing them out is harder. I have learned a lot about myself as I write of Tasmina's life. 
Now, working through plot twist 1, thinking maybe a total of 3. That is if Tasmina lets it happen. She has already had me make changes to what I intended. Yes I do not know what I will write, my characters have a tendency to take over the story.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 7

Today is day 7 of National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo for short. I am impressed by how well I am doing and the fact I am sticking to it. I hit 15k and am still going. Just look at the progress at the upper right side of this page. Many of my NaNoPals are pushing their little fingers to the keyboards as much as I am. Today I did  1k1hr, 1k words in 1 hour, with one and did over that. The sprints at #NaNoWordSprint is keeping me going... Here is a list of the sprints I partake in:
@TheSprintShack, @FriNightWrites, @NaNoWordSprints

What is a word sprint you ask?

Well, you get together on Twitter with buddies and challenge yourselves to improve your word count. There are many different places I do word sprints and it keeps us all on track. @FriNightWrites we sprint for 30 minutes and take a 10 minute break. There are writers from all over the world that join in.
UK: 7pm-7am
US EAST COAST: 2pm-2am
US WEST COAST: 11am-11pm
You can always jump in to any of them, whatever your schedule allows. I am there off and on during the day here in US Central and a lot at night. There we use the hashtag #writeclub and the #StatsGuy keeps track of how many words for each sprint. It is quite amazing to see the numbers pop up.
Want to learn more about FriNightWrites check it out, Write Club @FriNightWrites

Is there anything I couldn't live without during NaNoWriMo?

Yes, Scrivener. I love the software from Literature & Latte, it has made writing and keeping track of facts, characters, ages even. It's all in one place and easy to access. I downloaded the free trial version and loved it. Then when I signed up for NaNoWriMo I found they offer a special free trial to NaNoWriMo participants. It got even better, if I complete my 50k words I can buy Scrivener for 50% off.
I have just found out how helpful their split-screen is. I now can look at a character sheet and type at the same time without leaving either. There are tons of features I have not worked with and can't wait to buy it after NaNoWriMo and find all the wonderful things I can do with it. It has definitely made NaNoWriMo experience easier and less stressful. I think once November is over and less frantic I will use Scrivener for my blogs and all my books.

I also couldn't live without my kids running up and down the stairs when I am in the middle of a sprint and need a fresh soda or some snack. They are the best in helping me out and not fighting with each other. Being 16 and almost 12 it amazes me as I wait for a fight and I hear them talking with each other rather than at each other.

Now it's time to get back to my story but before I do here is another excerpt:

Tasmina started crying once Azri left. She didn't understand what she was doing. He had caused the challenge and could die. That would probably get her sent back to Johnathan’s pack and to her father. The Warrior had told her that Azri was a strong fighter and would do well, at least that’s what she got from the conversation they had. Why was Azri risking his life to protect her? Why does he care so much when no one else had. Her mother watched the abuse and did nothing while the other did as they pleased. If only she had someone she trusted to answer her questions about Azri, but there was no one.  Someone that knew about males in a way she didn't.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 3

NaNoWriMo is going great. Especially with the help from my friends on Twitter, @TheSprintShack, @FriNightWrites, @NaNoWordSprints. They are doing an awesome job keeping us Wrimos going. 

Here is my synopsis...

Tasmina, a young one of 18, is shy and a bit introverted. Her life is going great, she started college and has a good job. Then the Council plans a gathering to allow mates to find on another and that's when her life falls apart. Her past is back and haunting her. Unknown to her she will have a knight in shining armor come to her rescue. After that she will experience the unknown.

Azri is a warrior and protector but doesn't have ant females looking to mate because he is always looking mean and scary. Like someone you'd warn your kids would come and punish them for misbehaving (the boogie man). Not looking to mate but the thought to mate after his first one died has crossed his mind a few times. He faces though choices and decisions when it comes to protecting.

And an Excerpt: 

The water burned as Azri had settled Tasmina into the tub. She had forgotten the pain and feelings after each bout with James or any of them. She had lived in fear all her life until she came to Sage’s pack. Now it began again. It would be worse if James got a hold of her. Escaping always made it worse. Tears fell as she wished Azri wouldn’t have found her. Tasmina jumped when she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Tasmina the doctor is on his way.” She heard Azri say through the door. 

Great, another male, just want she was afraid of. Martin was going to look over her entire body and would know what had happened. No way was there any way to hide now; Azri made sure of it. Slowly she climbed out of the tub and dries off; not bothering to put clothes on, just her robe. Martin would have he remove clothes and it was too painful to do. She avoided the mirror cause the pain was always worse when she looked in it and saw the wounds. The signs of it all would be gone in a few days. She healed as all wolves do, quick. Not wanting to go out into her room she sat down against the door and pulled her knees to her chest. Even that hurt.

“Tasmina, Martin is here. You need to come out.” She heard Azri. It amazed her that he hadn't tried to get her to come out before.

Opening the door she saw not only Martin and Azri but Sage, Takoda and Dalara. She turned and slammed the bathroom door shut. There was no way she could face all of them. It was bad enough Azri had seen her and Martin had to see her. As she sat against the door shaking and trying not to break down and cry again. Tasmina could here the others talking in her room but wasn’t paying much attention; though it was about her. The sound of her bedroom door closing got her attention.

“Tasmina sweets, they left, it’s just Martin and I here. Please come out. If you are healing too fast he may have to re-break something.” Azri told her through the door.

Again she opened the door and saw he was right; it was just the two males. She hobbled over to her queen size bed and sat at the edge wincing in pain. 

There were no gasps or comments about how she looked, which made her a bit more at ease.

So, what do you think?????

Saturday, October 26, 2013

NaNoWriMo Recipes!

For all the NaNoWriMo moms and wives here is a great way to cook but still have time to get those words written. Get it prepped and tossed in, turn it on and walk to your computer! Simple and makes life easy. I hope these help my fellow Wrimos. 

SLOW COOKER to the Rescue! 

"Easy, creamy chicken and dumplings made from refrigerator biscuits, slow cooked to comfort-food perfection."
Rated: rating
Submitted By: Janiece Mason
Photo By: mominml
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 6 Hours
Ready In: 6 Hours 10 Minutes
Servings: 8


4 skinless, boneless chicken breast
2 tablespoons butter
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream
of chicken soup
1 onion, finely diced
2 (10 ounce) packages refrigerated
biscuit dough, torn into pieces


1. Place the chicken, butter, soup, and onion in a slow cooker, and fill with enough water to cover.
2. Cover, and cook for 5 to 6 hours on High. About 30 minutes before serving, place the torn biscuit dough in the slow cooker. Cook until the dough is no longer raw in the center.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2013 Printed from 10/26/2013
You can use homemade biscuits if you prefer, I do. You may have to cook them a bit longer.

For more easy slow cooker recipe click here

More ideas for us Wrimos...snacks. Puppy Chow, many kinds of Chex Mix, small cookies, Dilled Oyster CrackersTrail Mix Caramel Corn MixClassic Snack, and homemade Snack Chips. All of these can be made before Nov. 1st. and put into baggies, air tight bowls, or my favorite trick-or-treating plastic buckets with the lids and keep them next to your work spaces!

*Recipes found on 
*Disclaimer - I am not the owner of this pictures. I found it on the web for causal fun use on my blog for which I receive no compensation. If this picture belongs to you (you are the copyright owner) please let me know and I will remove it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Preparing For NaNoWriMo!

NaNoWriMo is starting in less than 7 days. Stressing about it. This is the 1st year I have participated. 50,000 words in 30 days seems to be a lot to me. Though I usually write 2000 words a day and 5000+ a day on the weekends.

What I've done to prepare:

  • Have characters bios done
  • The beginning and ending figures out
  • Several scenes ready on note cards
  • Notebooks full of causes and my thoughts on outcomes
  • Scrivener installed and info inputted
  • Twitter set for hashtags : #writing, #wordsprints, #writeclub, #FriNightWrites
  • Set up with Twitter groups for motivation: @FriNightWrites, @SprintShack, @WriteChain and many more
I am not an outline person so all this prepping is a bit stressful. If you participate in NaNoWriMo please feel free to as me as a buddy, my pen is jessmarkley. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

I am Back!

Finally feeling better. Enough to start posting again.

This year I am participating in NaNoWriMo; in November I will attempt to write 50,000 words of a new novel. It should be interesting to do. I am hoping I succeed. I am now actively on Twitter @jesdeh2o. I participate in word sprints with several other writers on Twitter. If you want to push yourself with your writing come join the sprints @FriNightWrites, #WriteChain and several other. Look for hashtag #wordsprint, #writeclub #writingsprints .

I am now finally editing 'Inevitable Destinyz' and working on a series(not sure what it's called though). For those who haven't seen snippets of 'Inevitable Destinyz' it is a YA paranormal romance about witches and vampire come together and save their races. New novels are about lycans. Typical paranormal romance with adult content.

Most posts here will be about NaNoWriMo until December. Maybe peeks into my work as well. We will see.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Long Time

sorry it has been sooo long. manic state the a major crash has kept me unfocused and distracted. hoping to get back into it this next week.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Due to illness this site will not be updated for a week of so!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Book Release Tuesday!

Officer Off Limits 
(A Line of Duty Novel)
by Tessa Bailey

Only on Nook!

His need to possess her is non-negotiable.
Story Brooks’ fiancé just called off their wedding two weeks before the happy day. As if that isn't bad enough, her semi-estranged father, an infamous NYPD hostage negotiator, has suffered a heart attack. Not wanting to examine her lack of emotion over the broken engagement, she hops on a plane to reconnect with her father before it’s too late.

Playboy hostage negotiator Daniel Chase has never, not once, been refused by a woman, so when a debate over hospital snack foods with a delectable kindergarten teacher ends in flat-out rejection, he makes it his mission to seduce her. His only obstacle? She’s the daughter of his mentor who implicitly forbade Daniel from pursuing her.

Despite her father’s warnings and Daniel’s troubled past, Daniel and Story can’t resist their intense attraction to one another. But when the reason for her fiancé’s abrupt wedding cancellation comes to light, can Story and Daniel's already forbidden relationship survive?

Flirting with Disaster: 
A Loveswept Contemporary Romance
by Ruthie Knox 

Only on Nook!

In the latest eBook original novel in RITA finalist and USA Today bestselling author Ruthie Knox’s scorching-hot Camelot series, a no-strings fling looks an awful lot like falling in love—or flirting with disaster.

Fresh out of a fiasco of a marriage, Katie Clark has retreated to her hometown to start over. The new Katie is sophisticated, cavalier, and hell-bent on kicking butt at her job in her brother’s security firm. But on her first assignment—digging up the truth about the stalker threatening a world-famous singer-songwriter—Katie must endure the silent treatment from a stern but sexy partner who doesn’t want her help . . . or her company.
Sean Owens knows that if he opens his mouth around Katie, she’ll instantly remember him as the geeky kid who sat behind her in high school. Silence is golden, but he can’t keep quiet forever, not with Katie stampeding through their investigation. It’s time for Sean to step up and take control of the case, and his decade-old crush. If he can break through Katie’s newfound independence, they just might find they make a perfect team—on the road, on the job, and in bed.

Sons of Zeus: A Novel
by Noble Smith

In 431 B.C., Ancient Greece experienced its own “Pearl Harbor”—a treacherous sneak attack that would mark the start of the bloody war between the democracy of Athens and the tyranny of Sparta. Caught between these superpowers, the independent city-state of Plataea became the arena where their battle for control of all of Greece would begin.

In Plataea, the young Greek warrior Nikias dreams of glory in the Olympic games as he trains for the pankration—the no-holds-barred ultimate fighting of the era—until an act of violence in defense of his beloved threatens to send him into exile. But before his trial can take place, a traitor opens the city gates to a surprise attack force.

Suddenly trapped inside their own fortress, the Plataeans are fighting for their lives. As Nikias seeks to discover the identity of the man who betrayed the city, he makes a daring escape, gathers an army, and leads this ragtag band into a suicidal battle at the gates of the citadel—a battle that will decide the fates of his family, his friends, and the woman he loves.

In the vein of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden, and Steven Pressfield, Sons of Zeus marks the beginning of a richly detailed new action-adventure series.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Book Release Tuesday!

by Stephen King


Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.

"I love crime, I love mysteries, and I love ghosts. That combo made Hard Case Crime the perfect venue for this book, which is one of my favorites. I also loved the paperbacks I grew up with as a kid, and for that reason, we’re going to hold off on e-publishing this one for the time being. Joyland will be coming out in paperback, and folks who want to read it will have to buy the actual book." – Stephen King

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Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling Series #12)
by Nalini Singh

In 2006, Nalini Singh introduced the beguiling and sensual Psy/Changeling world in Slave to Sensation, which spawned a series that has had readers and critics cheering. Througout the incredible 11-book run there has been one question that has tantalized Nalini’s legion of fans. Now, in the eagerly-awaited twelfth book in the series, Nalini Singh finally reveals the answer to the biggest Psy/Changeling mystery—an answer so surprising we wouldn’t dare spoil it. Even if we knew.

Dear Reader,
I'm delighted to have this chance to chat to you about HEART OF OBSIDIAN. This is a book I've been making notes for over the past several years, adding material into the file with each new release in the Psy-Changeling series. Last year, when I sat down to write it in earnest, the words just flew. I was so incredibly excited that I worked late into the night for months, putting down scene after scene as fast as my fingers would move across the keyboard.

HEART OF OBSIDIAN is many things, but first and foremost, it's a love story between two people who've been through terrible darkness. They've survived, but the toll it's taken has been a brutal one, fundamentally altering who they once were. I adore both these characters and as I wrote, I wanted only happiness for them, but I knew their journey was never going to be easy, and that no matter if it hurt, I had to be true to them.
As I wrote, I saw through the eyes of the hero and heroine, learned of the scars that marked them both, smiled at the unexpected moments of laughter, felt my heart race at the heat that smoldered between them, and cried at the keyboard because finally, finally, it was their time. HEART OF OBSIDIAN ripped out my heart, shredded it into confetti, then put it back together a little battered, but stronger for it.
I think despite—or perhaps because of the darkness that has shaped both the hero and heroine—this may be one of the most deeply romantic books I've ever written, and it's one that continues to make my heart clench when I open the manuscript to read it. That isn't to say that the Psy-Changeling world is ignored here. On the contrary, this is the book that changes everything — the events that take place in HEART OF OBSIDIAN will color every aspect of the world going forward.
In the book blurb, it says "The day of reckoning is here" and that I think, is a potent representation of the story as a whole. The time has come not only for a staggering change in the world, but in the lives of the hero and heroine. Neither will ever again be the same.

I hope you find HEART OF OBSIDIAN as passionate and as romantic a read as I still do, and that you laugh, cry, and get angry right along with the characters.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. I truly love hearing from my readers.

With the warmest regards,

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Darkness Unmasked (Dark Angels Series #5)
by Keri Arthur

Half-werewolf, half-Aedh Risa Jones is beginning to believe that the only way to find the keys she’s been searching for and save her friends is by dying. And when Wolfgang Schmidt, the lover of her boss at the vampire council, is found dead, her worst fears are confirmed. With the first portal of hell permanently open, the energies of the dark path are leaching into the world.

Searching for Schmidt’s killer and the keys at the same time, Risa and reaper Azriel track a shape-shifting spider spirit capable of changing her form into a seductive woman. But when they finally find the second key, the Aedh Lucian snatches it and disappears.

Risa is intent on finding Lucian and fighting him to the death—for in her mind, she knows that neither can remain while the other lives....

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Midnight's Kiss
by Donna Grant

Bound by the gods. Champions against evil. The Dark Warriors have taken their battle from ancient Scotland to the modern world—where a woman’s love is the greatest danger of all…

Dr. Veronica Reid is a world-renowned archeologist whose Druid abilities help her to unearth ancient magical items. The arrival of the all-too-attractive and charismatic Arran MacCarrick puts her on the defensive when he begins to question how she really finds her artifacts…until an unknown foe attacks and Ronnie discovers that Arran has a secret as great as her own. Together, they unleash an all-consuming passion that won't be denied...

Immortal Warrior Arran is on a mission to find the spell to bind the god within him. But one look at the impossibly beautiful Ronnie and he knows there is more to her than meets the eye. With danger lurking around every corner and an undeniable hunger that grows with every kiss, Arran must reveal who he is to keep Ronnie from his nemesis. Now he is left with no choice but to fight—or fall—for the woman he loves...

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Possible Book Characters for New Series!

Here are some pics of inspiration for my characters. Let me know if the names fit!

In 4779BC six shifters were created; they could take any form but wolf, leopard and panther were the ones they preferred. When they bred they had whatever species they were at the time of conception. Nathaniel, Vera, James, Abraham, Lorily, and Margret were their names. Nathaniel lived the longest and was the most powerful of the six. As the race expanded they became ‘Council’, the ruling govern. They made laws and punished those who broke them, usually physical punishment.  All that survived were the wolves. Numbers have dropped and new wolves are not coming. 
They stop aging around 25 years or so.
239 years old. Warrior Wolf

26 years old. Raised as human. 1st glimpse into the world of  werewolves.

14 years old. Training to be a warrior. Son of an Alpha.

 19 years old Raised in a pack with a terrible alpha. Shy and withdrawn.

Drewdon is 519 yrs. old and raised in Zacharius’ pack. He is more out-going and has the ability to adjust quicker than Zacharius or Zane does. Has a sense of humor once he relaxes.

134 years old. Dalara raised to call her aunt.

217 Years old. Alpha

346 years old. Warrior to Zacharius, the ELDEST

39 years old

27 year old teacher thought to be human


239 years old. Warrior

Sage's Beta

21 Years old Shy and distant

20 years old drama queen and acts like she has been very sexual 

Zacharius was born in 1369ad. That makes him approximately 643 years old...yeah he doesn't look it! Being the Eldest of his race his word is law. With "Council", his friends, they rule over everything.  With his long black hair and his dark eyes, he is a looker!!! Being as old as he is, his speech, behavior and expectations are "old fashioned". He says it, you do it... no questions asked. 

23 Years old strong and obedient

27 years old obedient and alpha prospect




Zane is 519 yrs. old, raised in Zacharius’ pack. Zane is laid back and quiet. He listens and takes everything in, never speaking unless needed

*Disclaimer - I am not the owner of these pictures. I found them on the web for causal fun use on my blog for which I receive no compensation. If this picture belongs to you (you are the copyright owner) please let me know and I will remove it.

Favorite Authors?

Do you have any authors that you buy their releases the day their books are released? Tell me, I am looking for a few more authors to read. I love paranormal romance the most.

My Fav are:

For all their web sites click on my 'Links to Authors' page at the top.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Book Release Tuesday!

May 28th, 2013

Forever (World of Nightwalkers Series #2)
by Jacquelyn Frank

New York Times bestselling author Jacquelyn Frank returns with the sizzling second book in her sensual new series set in the World of the Nightwalkers—where alluring entities known as Bodywalkers face the ultimate threat.

After being brought back from death, police officer Jackson Waverly receives the shock of his life: he has become host to a Bodywalker, a spirit that is reborn in flesh and blood, and part of a proud, ancient race that uses its extraordinary gifts to battle dark, evil forces. Jackson’s spirit is a powerful one—none other than the Egyptian pharaoh Menes, who longs to reunite with his eternal love, the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut.

While Menes is obsessed with finding the perfect vessel for his queen, Jackson cannot stop thinking about Dr. Marissa Anderson, the gorgeous precinct shrink who keeps pushing him to confront his grief over the loss of his K-9 partner. But what Marissa really arouses most in Jackson is intense desire, which is exactly what Menes is looking for. To fight a great enemy, pharaoh and queen must join; but to host Hatshepsut, Marissa will first have to die. Fate has given Jackson a profound choice: save Marissa from Menes’s plan or keep an entire species from the brink of extinction.

Includes a preview of Jacquelyn Frank’s next World of Nightwalkers novel, Forsaken

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Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity Series) 

The Search For A Traitor
As the demon world celebrates the defeat of the Dark Lord, the vampire Santiago's mood remains bleak. He still yearns for sensual, raven-haired Nefri, who has inexplicably disappeared. But brooding for Nefri is a luxury Santiago does not have. His traitorous sire, Gaius, is unleashing a violent scourge upon the mortal world, and Santiago must stop him before it's too late. . .

Leads To A Dangerous Seduction

To her dismay, the all powerful Oracles have sent Nefri on her own mission to find Gaius, and failure is not an option. Nefri's search leads her to the vampire's abandoned lair--and straight into Santiago's path. It's clear Santiago intends to seduce her, but then an ancient, banished evil reappears, threatening to thrust the world into a madness it cannot survive. . .

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Wounded Angel 
by Stacy Gail


A descendant of the Angel of Vengeance, Nate da Luca was gifted with an uncanny ability to find things. It made his job as a detective a breeze—until he learned the hard way that some things should remain hidden. After that, his powers vanished, along with his belief in himself. Which is going to make tracking down Gabriella Littlefield for his latest client a challenge.

Personal trainer Ella Little paid a hefty price for her life—now all she wants is to live it in peace. Then a sexy hulk of a man turns up in her gym, reigniting desires she thought she'd left behind along with her real name and hair color.

Desires she can't deny even after she discovers Nate's no stranger to her dark past.
Before he can convince her the attraction is mutual, Nate's going to have to earn Ella's trust. But a demon is playing for keeps in the world of humans, using Ella as bait, and the last thing they have is time…

Go back to the beginning with Nobody's Angel, available now!
63,000 words

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Midnight's Kiss: Part 3 
by Donna Grant


The danger and passion explode in the third installment of this exclusive Dark Warriors e-serial from New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant.  A dark, powerful Highlander will do anything to protect—and keep—the only woman his soul craves.

They have surrendered to unforgiving passion, to unrelenting yearning and to unimaginable pleasure—and Ronnie knows her life has been forever altered. Arran is more than she ever could have expected and she finds herself pulled into a world that she never imagined existed. Adding to the growing list of mind-blowing surprises, Ronnie discovers something shocking about herself that will change her life forever.  She would do anything to escape her fate, but Arran has no intentions of letting Ronnie go. She is the light to his darkness, soothing his inner demons and he is determined to keep her by his side forever. Now, unaware of the sinister threat that closes in, Ronnie and Arran stand to lose…everything.

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