Question to a Writer
I have had a lot of people ask what music I listen to while writing, if I even do. Well it depends on the scene I'm working on I guess. Mostly it's Enya, Praga Khan, Dean Evenson, Kitaro, and Yiruma, which is also my meditation music. I have it on low in volume so it's just background noise. If I'm writing a fight or sex scene it's 2 Live Crew, Nickelback, Rush, Metallica and some Queen here and there.I know many of my fellow authors have their favorites as well. I would have to say it all depends on the mood of the author and our own preferences. Some may not even listen to music but their kids as to not find a mess after a session of writing.
Other questions I get:
1.) What do you do when you are struck?
Well, I message my friend and we go over the scene before and what I want to happen after, I as my son if it's a fight scene, or I get on Twitter and talk with other authors.
2.) When do you write the most?
That's a though one. Mainly at night when the kids are sleeping, but then I also write while they are at school if I'm up. I tend to sleep in late (11am) . If I'm in a bipolar manic state I will write 24/7 in between cleaning.
3.) Where do you get the character names?
Everywhere! Though I prefer old Celtic and anglo-saxon the best. I look them up online or Scrivener has a name generator I like.
4.) Where do you get the ideas for books?
That's a though one. Sometimes I have an image come to me when I'm watching tv, reading the news websites or I just think shoot that's the next one. It goes the same for my plots and twists.
5.) Why just paranormal romance genre?
That's the easiest to answer. I love it and it's about the only thing I read. Being only 6 years into my book fetish I can't seem to get into anything else. I'm hoping to branch out in the next year.
6.) Do you only write adult?
No, my first novel written was YA for my daughter who is an advanced reader. I just wanted to be able to add sex scenes if I felt like it. My Ya had to be cut due to one. I have also thought of doing one for pre-teens though I am not sure about what.
7.) How do you come up with places, like where it all takes place?
Interesting indeed. My bestie and I plan out what we are going to do if we win the lottery. Lots of property looking. Since I am working on werewolves it works wonderfully with the large treed land. With looking at homes and land I get the general idea for it. With the current WIP(work in progress) I drew out the house plans one night when I was bored and had writer's-block. Since it's an old house built in the 1800s circa I googled that type of furniture and downloaded the pics I loved. For the names, they just pop out of my head.
8.)Who is your favorite author?
Okay people, a person with a book fetish can't really answer that question. I have so many, but the one I couldn't live without would be four, J.R.Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon Alexandria Ivy and Laura Wright. Though there are many others I love. Those are the ones I would throw a fit if I couldn't read their books. For the others check out my my Loving and Engaging Authors page.
Well, guys and gals those are the most common questions I get. If you have one not listed ask away.
My your New Year be blessed with good health, love, warmth, family and good friends.