Thursday, April 2, 2015

Autism Awareness Day

My Buddy!

Chilling Outside
 Meet Braden. He's 24. My buddy has a chromosome disorder and is autistic. It has something to do with chromosome 7 (it's backwards and upside down). Then there's all the other medical issues; intestinal trouble, hernias, swallowing is hard so soft foods only and more. He speaks as if he's between 1 and 2 years old, can walk but with trouble, has behavioral problem (lashes out aggression) and lashes out hurting anyone, he hates crying kids & dogs and he scares almost everyone.
I met him 5 years ago when I moved into my apartment. He lived next door until 2013. At the time my son was 11 and my daughter was 8 years old. With 20 apartments with low income, there are tons of kids here. All were scared of Braden. Though my son walked right up to hims and started playing with him and his train. His mother was so impressed we became quick friends.

Halloween Sock Monster

About Braden-
His nickname is Bubba
Love trains
Love Queen (the band) sings 'We will Rock You' all the time
Like Barney (that purple dinosaur)
Can't get enough of Thomas the Train
Can eat mashed taters all day
McDonald's double cheeseburgers
Stuffed frog are his friends (ones he can throw and beat without trouble)
Likes to go for rides on 4-wheelers and carousels
A piano will keep him occupied for hours
Like to sing 'Old McDonald Had a Farm'
He barks (as we call it making a loud noise that sounds like a huge dog barking)
He can't get enough milk

It took me over a year to understand him and there are still days when I can't quite catch what he says. None of his mother's other friends can stand to be out in public with Bubba. I, however, I don't mind it unless he is having a bad day.
Braden flips out whenever is in pain he hits, bites and throws things. It's hard to restrain him and when anyone tries they get hurt.

Since they moved 2 hours away I've missed him. I miss the sound of him playing his keyboard and him singing in the middle of the night. walls are so thin you can hear the neighbor sneeze).

Watching Everything Around Him
I'm writing this to spread the word that there is nothing wrong or embarrassing about mentally challenged. It sickens my heart when people look at MY BUDDY with distaste and fear.
Bubba & His Parachute

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