- I've been reading a New to Me series. Mark of the Vampire by Laura Wright. Review maybe in a few days.
- Working on my Twitter writing account and blog for Get Wordies.
- Planning November's NaNoWriMo stuff.
- Getting kids ready for another year of school. My son'd last year in high school :( Yes, I'm old as dirt as my kids say.
- Washer exploded water all over the kitchen and living room. Damn floor is sloped the wrong way. None of the water went near the floor drain.
- I started Chantix to help me quit smoking. I'm down 90% maybe more.
- Dalara is coming along great. I have about 3 chapters to go before I send it to someone to edit.
- I have an idea for cover that I never thought I would like. Having a friends help out with it. Love knowing photographers. Maybe I'll even do an Author shoot. I know I'm getting ahead of myself.
- I'm thinking about writing a novella between now and November as well as finishing Dalara.
- Inevitable Destinyz has been set aside.
Wow that is tons of info in short space.
The novella I'd do is a paranormal romance that has nothing to do with any of my novels in progress. Now off I go to research a bit more on men's feelings...I know that will be a chore and a half.
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