My characters are not cooperating with me.
The last few days my MC (main character) and her bestie have decided they don't want to do what I want. This point in the novel is hard enough to write. Now with them ticking me off it just makes it harder. Dalara's bestie is having issues with not wanting to be in this part and I need her here. It's almost as if she wants to be the MC now and I can't have that. I have had this issue before but she is stubborn. I am hoping by Friday she will start cooperating. I need wordies.
I am going to word sprint with my lovelies over at @TheSprintShack on Twitter today, or at least try. Friday will be an all day and night sprint fest with @FriNightWrites for #writeclub. For those who are unfamiliar with either one check out their blogs. The Sprint Shack and FriNightWrites. The sprints are hosted by fellow writers. We write for a set time and see how many wordies we can get out of our fingers.
I want this novel done and ready for my beta readers before April 1st. Camp NaNoWriMo begins then and I want to start the next novel in the series. I was thinking it would be Dalara's pack-mate but it might have to be her bestie instead. Which that is all fine and dandy with me. I know part of her story already and have tons of notes and research done.
Camp NaNoWriMo is like NaNoWriMo I did in November; 50k words in a month. I won in November and I want to in April and July for Camp NaNoWriMo too. That's where the sprinting comes in handy. On a good sprint I have forced out 900+ wordies in 30 minutes. I wouldn't be able to live without my lovelies on Twitter. They keep me going with encouragement and ideas when I get stuck like I am now.
Don't forget Friday I will be posting about another favorite author of mine.
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