Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Taste of 'Inevitable Destinyz'

Here is a taste of my book to come. It is a young adult story of romance and conflict. Hope you enjoy it.

"Inevitable Destinyz"
by Jessica Markley

In 1860ad a wise women of 110 years made a prophecy:
Once 'The Prince' descended from Vlad Dracula finds 'The Maiden' they will unite and produce the 'Pure Child'. They will be of both Solstices. They will be unable to stop from forming this bond. Their bond will be beyond anything that has ever been. They will bond in the physical, mental, and spiritual plains. 'The Maiden' will become “The Mother of All Witches” and then “The Crone to All”. It will happen in the year when three tens or three elevens fall in the same month. It is their destiny. Once 'The Prince' and 'The Maiden' find each other, hearts will bond for their loved ones. All bonds will be made by The Fall Equinox. Those affected will live together and help each other. All will help raise ‘The Pure Child’, who is to be born on the Spring Equinox and will be born before the prince is nineteen. All seven couples will raise their twenty-one children together and they will all have powers that are more than there has been before. With proper raising, they will unite all.

From Chapter 6
As Kendreague slowed down, Brina saw the opening to a beautiful clearing. There were five driftwood benches and a huge fire pit, flowers of every color and size; white lily of the valley, purple and blue violets, dandelions, pink and red wild roses, baby’s breath, blue morning glories that were at the wilting stage for the day, and the green of the moss covered trees. There was what looked like part of an old stone wall covered with ivy and moss. It looked as if it had been forgotten over the years though. Almost right out of a fairytale Brina thought.
  “It’s wonderful. How did you know it was here?” Brina asked.
        “I found it a few years back and never told anyone.”

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